Hire programmers is a platform that attempts to provide better solution to the multifarious problems of today's online recruiting/freelance market in the following ways.

Evaluation and requirement gathering

A client might often not realize the scope of his/her project to entirety. He/she might be confused as to what would be the best technology that would suit the project. The client might also overestimate or underestimate the effort in time and resources that are necessary.

This is where we step in. Hire programmers in an offshoot of Quadruple Business services that has been in the Software Development and E commerce industry for close to 4 years. Experience has taught us a lot of things and we feel that human intelligence is imperative to evaluate and quantify a requirement, however simple it be.

Under Quoting and Over Charging

Everybody wants a good deal and thanks to the anarchic nature of the internet everybody often thinks they are in a good deal. Clients choose the cheapest bid and freelancers with an established profile begin to overcharge. Very often both sides end up leaving with a bad taste in the mouth.

Hire programmers operates on a fixed rate. We do not allow competitive bidding. We will work with the clients to fix the best price for the project thus ensuring that freelancers do not end up signing up for a raw deal. Freelancers too will not be able to quote rates and openly bid for projects. Hire programmers will mediate the process thereby ensuring that both parties are satisfied.


This is by far the biggest problem. Freelancers operate on very low margin and tight timelines thereby compromising on quality. Clients sign up a freelancer who is cheap but ends up doing a real shoddy job.

We realize that is the biggest pain area in this industry and therefore ensure that this process is mediated by us. We will offer the client a choice list of hand picked freelancers whom we feel is best suited for the project. We will ensure that if you are a freelancer and you have the talent your skills be aptly rewarded. Hire programmers will mediate the entire selection and project allotment process. Quadruple also owns a recruiting division of its own and can always scout and connect the right resource to the right client.


The client wants a specific requirement, the freelancer interprets it in a certain way and both end up dissatisfied. The client wants to communicate with the freelancer but quite often thanks to the timezone difference and sometimes indifference he/she ends up having to settle for a half baked product of miscommunication and misunderstading.

When you sign up with Hire programmers you are guaranteed interaction with the freelancer on a personal basis. You will be able to directly interact with him/her on skype, instant messenger, phone and email. Similarly if you are a freelancer you will be able to communicate directly with the client thereby ensuring that the both of you are always on the same page.

Project managment

Most freelancers have little idea on project management and sticking to deadlines. Clients too want to always stay in the loop with the status of their project and track its progress. Quite often thanks to improper planning the deadlines slip, tempers fray and money is lost.

If you are a client, we will manage the project for you. Will help you set the timelines and ensure that the freelancer is directly communicating with you and also adhering to the project plan. As a client you will be able to track your project via a list of shared tools. If you are a freelancer, you will have the freedom to state your terms and the manner in which you can complete a task We will draw a plan that will suit you perfectly. In simpler words, Hire programmers takes full responsibility for everything that happens on its portal.


This is the mother of all problems in this industry. People pay money, they end up losing it, people work for money and end up not getting any of it.

At Hire programmers, if you are a freelancer you will get paid. This is the reason why we choose to get involved in every bit of the process flow. You will not be underpaid or overworked. If you are a client you will have the security that your project will completed on time and will only have to pay on a pro rata basis. This means you will not have to deposit all your money as a security with us instead you need to pay only in a phase by phase manner.


Asking an Angel for help is one of the traditional beliefs of mankind.

We respect the belief and we hire programmers has an angel for every business house or an individual who seeks the support of a freelancer to get their projects executed. An angel is assigned to the business house or an individual right from your project posting up to your sign off with that particular project.

Hire programmers angel will facilitate things which makes transaction hassle free for you.

A Jewish proverb says that "Every blade of grass has an Angel bending over it saying. 'Grow, Grow!" Just as every person has one or more Guiding Angels that help and assist them, every human activity – partnerships, businesses, organizations and relationships - also have one or more Angels that preside over offerings assistance.

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